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Thursday 16 July 2015

The 18 curse

I have been meaning to talk about this for a while, but just keep forgetting to add it to the end of a post, so I figured I would make a seperate post to address this issue we have come across. 

Whilst we have been travelling we have met a range of different people. People of different races, nationalities, ages, and ways of thinking. However out of the people that we have met, Harrison and I are generally younger. More often than not we are the youngest travellers in the dorm room or on the bus. I really didn't think that that would be an issue, but it has proven to be. 

Other travellers will start to talk to us, ask us where we are from and all that. They will seem to enjoy chatting to us and we will get along with them pretty well. Then they ask "oh, by the way, how old are you?". When we tell them that we are 18, they will almost instantly distance themselves. Even though just moments before, we were having a good conversation and enjoying each other's company. As soon as you tell them you're 18 they will find some excuse to leave or just stop the conversation. It's as if they are embarrassed that they enjoyed talking to an 18 year old. And it's not like they are generally that much older. Mostly early to mid 20s. Regardless, it has made it pretty difficult to make friends. 

It's so frustrating. Just because we are 18 does not mean that we are any less worthy of your time. We are able to hold and contribute to a conversation just as well as you can. People judge others before they give them a chance. 

I will say that this is not always the case. We have had some people that seem really impressed when we tell them our age. There have been one or two people that seem to have respect for the fact that two 18 year olds are travelling for 8 months on their own, supporting themselves. But sadly this is only the minority. 

We have tried not to let this get us down, but it is pretty deterring when someone looks down on you because of your age. Whilst we are travelling I really feel like our age does not define us. It's the moments and places we have experienced that define us. Our ability to contribute to a conversation. Our need for adventure. The people we have met and left a mark on a long the way. And if people are too stuck up to see that, well then I guess that's too bad for them. I feel sorry for them. But it does still sting just a little. 

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