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Sunday 17 May 2015


Whilst the city of Edinburgh is incredibly beautiful, unfortunately our stay here has not been a great one. This is mainly due to the hostel we are staying in, which I suppose is just something we are going to have to get used to. The hostel itself is not too bad. It's filthy and the power sockets don't work properly and the wifi constantly drops out, but all in all it hasn't been too awful. However the people staying here have been pretty atrocious. From keeping us up all night as mentioned in the previous post, to leaving the kitchen in an absolutely disgusting state after using it, they really just have not been pleasant. Anyway, about what we have done in Edinburgh. We only arrived in Edinburgh fairly late so the first day here we didn't do too much. We walked around the general area of the hostel and looked at the grocery stores around. This night we had the 8 bed room to ourselves which was pretty awesome as well! The second day in Edniburgh started out really great. We got up and went on a free(!) two and a half hour walking tour that took us all around the city. It was so interesting learning about the history of Edinburgh and seeing all of the beautiful sites, such as the castle and various other monuments. After the walk we lazed around for a bit, and then after dinner we headed of for another walking tour by the same company. This one was a night time tour called 'The Dark Side' tour. As we were walking there we noticed that a whole bridge had been sectioned off by police. There were ambulances and police officers everywhere. We later found out that someone had jumped from the bridge earlier that day. We had been walking along there earlier and must have just missed it. It was really sad. The tour started at 9pm and took us around to all the 'haunted' sites of Edinburgh and we learnt about serial killers and the witch trials and all that fun stuff. It was really fantastic 😊 We made it home around 11:45 and were completely exhausted from a full day of walking. As you may have read in my previous post we had a really awful nights sleep thanks to our roomies. Today we were basic the walking dead. We managed to get to the National Scottish Gallery which was quite beautiful, and have lunch in some lovely gardens. However we were both so tired and unethisiatic that we headed back to the hostel and had a relaxed day. We had done most of the things we wanted to do yesterday anyway, so it wasn't too bad. We are off to Glasgow tomorrow, so hopefully our experiences there are better than Edinburgh. 

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