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Sunday 24 January 2016

Exploring Home

As I am no longer out galavanting the world, I figure I will use this blog to write about what is going on in my head until my next adventure presents itself. However, just because I am not out exploring overseas does not make me any less of an 'explorer of the world'. After living in Sydney for 10 years this year, I am still exploring the beautiful city that we live in. There is still so much of the country I am living in that I am yet to see. So for that reason, I will be keeping my URL as it is! I think it is so important to explore your own town. You may think that you have seen all of it, but I can guarantee that you haven't. The other day I travelled into the city with my Nana Flick, and as we got off the bus she grinned widely and said "I love coming into the city, it makes me feel like a tourist!" And it's true. It doesn't matter if you have been somewhere 100 times, if you are willing to be excited about being there you can make the most of it and be a tourist in your own city for the day. I do know it's hard though. Often I think about how sad it is to be back in boring old Sydney, and how I wish I could be somewhere else experiencing new things. But I know that I need to get myself out of that mindset. Because we truly do live in a beautiful country, and there is still so much for me to see. Not only that, but I can also experience new things right here! You don't have to be kilometres away from home to have new and exciting experiences. A place is only as boring as you allow yourself to believe it is. 

But back to my original point, I will be using (or trying to use) this blog to write general posts about life. If you were just here for the travel posts, then I will say goodbye and thank you for reading up until now! If you continue to read my blog, then thank you as well! I hope the inner musings of my mind interest you. 

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